Today's post will be about the Air Spores entry. They are an overall good way to give players of lower levels access to space adventures for shorter terms. I find them excellent for getting the players into Space adventures, but also pressuring them to accomplish goals quickly, as they wear off in 2-8 days. Also, they have some interesting side effects for ground campaigns as more of a malady or infection that hinders constitution checks pretty strongly, thus making interesting choices for Con checks in your setting. Examples include things like poison trapped areas, areas of no air at all, or areas where the air if fouled. This can be a real mixed blessing, as the players can figure out that they no longer need to actually breathe in, but must breathe out, making for interesting Role-Playing options. Give them a look if you need ways to challenge without using magical items with limited charges or the like. They can bring a very different flavor to your campaign. One final point is that they can be transmitted from person to person, so its possible to keep a colony alive quite a long time if the players or NPC's are careful about transmitting from person to person. This brings up some other Role-Playing options that many players are going to find hilarious! (Mouth to mouth, etc)

Further edit, I am not sure what I can copy from the original books, so I will give a short description of what this item does.
Whenever these are ingested, they end up in the lungs of the creature. Then they produce oxygen while the reproduce, and eventually they die. While alive, the host no longer needs Oxygen in their environment to survive.